Wednesday, March 27, 2013

SEO Albuquerque - What is Search Engine Optimization - SEO

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO Albuquerque

Search Engine Optimization, more commonly known as SEO, is what professionals use to manipulate the visibility of a website on search engines. These results are what professionals call natural or organic search results and are what make up about 90 per cent of Google's SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages). Typically the higher a website ranks, or sits, on the SERP's the more traffic that site will gain from search engines, which makes SEO a hugely significant part of a website's online success.

There are many different ways a website can show up in search results, and they are through: image results, local results, academic search and video search as well, as "similar" results (which is the newest addition to Google's SERP's layout.

The term SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, was first used in 1997, by a man named John Audette. Back then SEO was simply creating content and stuffing keywords or key phrases in to writing along with META tags, title tags and ALT tags. There was not much too it, and the search results were not as refined as they are these days, which brings us to the new process used by professionals in the industry.

How is Search Engine Optimization Done These Days?

It all started with content and it will not end. Content is and will always be king, the only difference with the way things are done these days is that Google requires quality content. Back in the day people trying to get onto the SERP's wrote any content and stuffed the content with keywords, whether they were related to the content or not. These days the Google algorithm is a bit more complex and somewhat understands when content is bad quality and when it is good quality (ei: related to the industry the website is based in, and offers highly regarded information to website readers). Most of the time keywords don't play a huge role, however, they are still very important.

Other than onsite content and online SEO strategies professionals also make use of offline SEO strategies to get websites ranked higher in Google SERP's. The most important aspect, these days, is called social footprint. This means that all online businesses need to have a large social backing and a great number of different social entities. The larger social backing a company has the more Google will see it as a sort of recommendation. This also creates backlinks to your site, however, most professionals make use of other strategies (along with building a social footprint) to build links back to a website.

Is this the Only Way onto the SERP's?

The short and long answer is yes, it is the only way to get it done. If you do not have proper SEO done for your site there is no way Google will know that your site exists. The only way onto the SERP's is through professionally done SEO that covers all aspects of what search engines look for.

The other thing to keep in mind is that SEO maintenance is also very important. Once you make it to the top of the SERP's you can easily slip down if you do not maintain an SEO strategy with all old keywords as well as adding in new ones.

SEO Albuquerque 505-903-4326

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